The life-APP application is used for self-management of anxiety and sleep disorders with the use of digital form of biological treatment. It includes a modern form of respiratory relaxation, which allows you to synchronize your own breath with a pattern breathing, and two kinds of phono-therapy - modern music therapy, in which therapeutic frequencies are used to calm anxiety or facilitate sleep.Breathing feedback is a proprietary technological invention that transforms sound into image. The treatment idea is based on behavioral therapy. The user has the ability to evaluate his anxiety/sleep problems before and after using the app, which allows him to track reports of his well-being during the period the app is used.The application was created by an authority in the field of telemedicine - a professor of medicine, who is also a cognitive-behavioral psychotherapist. The idea of fighting stress comes from the philosophy of Hans Seyle, an outstanding researcher of the topic of stress. Its main message is the possibility of extending a healthy life by alleviating the excessive and harmful distress associated with intensive everyday stressors. That is why the application is part of the philosophy of anti-aging, e-health and modern telemedicine, addressed to every user.